An "avioncito" spotted in the forest along the Humboldt wagon road, Oct 13, 2009
Northern Pygmy owl - a brave heart in a sparrow-sized body
Sandanista Avioncitos
The little airplanes of the heart with their brave little propellers What can they do against the winds of darkness even as butterflies are beaten back by hurricanes yet do not die They lie in wait wherever they can hide and hang their fine wings folded and when the killer-wind dies they flutter forth again into the new-blown light live as leaves
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
something learned is something earned. purchase then some ink and pen. dip your pen into the ink, take a page, sit and think. don’t compose delightful prose. any sprite could write in white. it should reach through blood and bone to your heart’s own little home.
Wow! What a beautiful movie about a beautiful place. I wonder who that little girl was, wearing that 1950s cowgirl belt?
Did you see my Davey Crockett coonskin hat in one of the other photos? Wish I had 'em all now --the coonskin hat, the cowgirl holsters, and age 7!
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